Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday June 22

Yesterday I watched the You Tube presentation of Jill Bolte Taylor, who wrote My Stroke of Insight. So very, very interesting. She is a neuroscientist (mentioned on my blog earlier) that had a stroke at age 38. She describes the function of the human brain and how and why we are how we are. An absolute must see for anyone trying to understand anything, very uplifting too. Only about 20 minutes long, so very worthwhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear J. Margaret,

I recently ran across a poem I had written several years ago and thought it somewhat fit with the message of your blog.

The Loving and Caring Thing to Do

It's the loving and caring thing to do.
I'd misunderstood, though I see it now, but
It's not what I'd say I've done for you.

I've been a pickpocket stealing from you.
I've denied you chances to stand on your own;
pilfered change you needed to pay your due.

I assumed it was right and good and true
to solve all the puzzles, handle the upsets,
take care and make clear the way for you.

I've picked up the details but left no clue
of the grudges I harbor, as I martyr
malignant resentments left in thier lieu.

I thought I was giving. My needs seemed few
so I gave and handled, dealt with it all but
I've stagnated, clipped and curtailed you.

I've captured a still from a wide angle view.
Selflessness is selfish whien it's overused;
to validate me short-changes you.

I'd take all the blame and shoulder that too,
but therein I relapse; I fall into habit,
taking your business away from you.

It's the loving and caring thing to do.
Let you struggle to plant your feet on the ground
and give you the chance to work things through.

It's the loving and caring thing to do.