Wednesday, June 4, 2008

response from my college roommate

Well, as the saying goes,"been there, done that". I do not mean to sound so flip about it.
But now, I am starting to see how the parent needs to "stop, and back away". You are not helping, and will never help your child by stepping in, and taking over. The help you are giving, is hurting your child.
Love your child, love your child soo much that you let them suffer their own consequence. Love your son or daughter so much, that if you have to swear out a warrant for their arrest to get them medical help, do it!
When the state trooper put hand cuffs on my son,,, I new I was going to hell and die for hurting him. The look in his left me hating myself, sick in my heart.
After the psych wards, the on and off medications, the year of pure hell for my son, we both still made it through.
Why doesn't anyone every write about, you have done the "right thing".
Where is the "verification, 100%, yes, absolutely you did the right thing", assurance you did the right thing for your child? It will never come.
I am one of the lucky moms. Two years after Ellis went through all the suffering, pain, and humiliation, he was taking care and became responsible for himself.
On my birthday that next year, I received mail from Ellis. He had finished his degree, and was working at Disney World as a culinary chef. The last part of his letter said, "Mom, guess where I'm working? "Magic Kingdom", anyway's, I love you, and want you to know I wouldn't be here without you and your guidance. Thanks for everything, Love You! S.Ellis xxoo
I have been blessed by God for my four beautiful and brilliant sons.
Thank you God for your guidance. Thanks for everything, Love You. sar

1 comment:

『Behold My Swarthy Face。』 said...

Mom, watch this documentary with Brett about how Americans are becoming enslaved to credit card companies and banks. in protest, i refuse to spend a penny-- in any country.