Friday, October 31, 2008

Chandler Valley Hope gives us HOPE

"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure."

Joseph Campbell

My son just finished CVH. Good program. We are full of hope and focused on now and the future. A commom toast in Armenian is -genatz-which means "it is in the past." Sort of like, get over it and move on. The Armenians certainly know how to do that. Hopefully this is in my son's blood and he will navigate himself to a better life.

Books he suggests. . The Tao of Sobriety, The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure, The I Ching, Good Brain Made Great, Tao Te Ching.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, It will happen. Love, AMcD

Anonymous said...

I am very happy to know this. Long time before, Mr.Ryan said about it in his blog. I sent him a mail. Because I had almost same thing in my family. My English is so poor that I cannot translate that mail into English quickly. But I think I can feel your happiness. For I was once a worrying mother of the family. I believe Mother is the keyperson of the family, when the family is in trouble. So I think you are a brave fighter for the trouble.
Obasan a.k.a, 23k