Thursday, July 3, 2008

Living With Those Who See Things Differently

Rev. Ted Czukor

We all share the same planet. But we do not share the same reality.

We form friendships, churches and political action committees with those who see reality the same way we do. But a vast number of beings-human and animal-were raised under conditions that we have never experienced. As a result, their whole perception of life is different.

To make it more confusing, those conditions are not always physical. Our own sibling, spouse, parent or child may come to live in a mental evironment that bears no resemblance to anything in our own memory or awareness. It may be totally beyond our ability to understand how this could have happened.

We may never agree with thier attitudes, predilections or beliefs. But we must, at the very least, offer them respect as fellow travelers on this strange plane of existence.

If we cannot accept anything else about them, it is vital that we understand one thing:

Their reality is just as real to them as our reality is to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true. We each create our own reality. It's so amazing how siblings can turn out so different from each other. Where did you read this excerpt? How are you finding your path?
Love, AMcD